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Tang Soo Do is a Recognized Discipline of SGFI

Membership Guidelines

Each Tang Soo Do student must display proper respect and discipline under all circumstances. The practitioner must realize by the study of Tang Soo Do and membership in the ITF Tang Soo Do Sports Federation of India, that there exists a serious responsibility to represent the art of Tang Soo Do. Each student must demonstrate dedication to Sa Bom Nim Devender Gaur, their Instructor and to the Tang Soo Do.

All practitioners will be expected to adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Federation, and to hold these standards in high regard. Practitioners should demonstrate the genuineness of their dedication by helping others and developing strong moral character. Students must, by their actions, reflect humility, self-sacrifice, and the pursuit of Faith within their training, as well as their everyday lives. In all cases, practitioners should strive within their hearts for peace and harmony, and this should be reflected through their behavior. Practitioners should realize that they are examples of Tang Soo Do and brotherhood within the Martial Arts.

"The will to win is nothing
without the will to prepare"

Zig Ziglar

Testing Procedure

  1. All students should arrive at the test 30 minutes before the scheduled start.
  2. Upon arriving, immediately check in and change to your Do Bok.
  3. During the test, sit quietly at attention- No talking or laughing.
  4. You should expect to stay for the duration of the test. If you cannot stay, you must ask permission for early dismissal from your instructor prior to the start of the test.
  5. If you need to be momentarily excused for any reason, you must ask permission from a Black Belt.
  6. Answer loudly with spirit when called or addressed.
  7. If you make a mistake during a form, stop and bow to the judges, ask permission to try again and wait for the instruction to do so.
  8. Notify the Senior Instructor of any injuries prior to the test.
  9. Be serious and enthusiastic.
  10. Students should plan to stay briefly after the finish of the test to assist in cleaning the Do Jang.
  11. While entering the Dojang the phone mode should be on silent.
  12. Nails should be properly trimmed.

Basic Tang Soo Do Etiquette

  1. Students should make and effort to arrive early for class. This will allow sufficient time to stretch and prepare for class. Furthermore, consistent tardiness shows a lack of attention and discipline.
  2. Upon arrival at the Do Jang the students must acknowledge and bow to the senior instructor incharge.
  3. Proper respect should be displayed by the mutual bowing between students as they arrive for training. The “greeting” should be initiated by the junior member and acknowledged by the senior member.
  4. To bow properly, come to a complete stop and face the person. Stand erect, should back, with arms at your sides. Slowly bow from the waist to approximately a 45 angle, return to an erect posture, and continue through the Do jang.
  5. Practitioners must remove their shoes prior to entering the Do jang or any office are of an instructor.
  6. Entrance into an instructor’s office should only be done upon permission of the instructor. The students should remain standing at attention, unless the instructor gives permission to be seated.
  7. All students entering the Do jang must come to attention, salute the flags and bow. Upon exiting the Do jang, the student should bow, then salute the flags. This shows proper respect, loyalty and patriotism.
  8. Students should be sure to pull their attendance cards each class in order to assist the senior members to keep proper records of your class attendance.
  9. When the class is ordered to line up, each student must quickly find the correct position in class according to their rank and seniority. Attention to seniority must be displayed during all training procedures.
  10. The first student to notice the arrival of the Head Instructor or a Sa Bom Nim into the Do jang must immediately call the class to attention. The senior student must then issue the commands to the class to bow to the instructor or a Sa Bom Nim.
  11. The senior student will call the class commands as directed by the Head Instructor. The formality and correctness to the beginning and ending of class must not be taken lightly. The proper “attention” position should be demonstrated by all trainees. Saluting the flags should be done with pride. All students should remain standing until the Head Instructors, and any Sa Bom Nims are seated, at any point they should sit by seniority swiftly into proper mediation position. Students should remain seated until the Head Instructor and all Sa Bom Nims have stood up.
  12. When a student is in a class line, they must ask permission before leaving line for any reason. To leave line, the student must first bow, then step back out of their position -m never step forward, and never walk through a formed line of other students. The student must also ask permission to rejoin class before stepping back into line.
  13. If a student arrives after class has begun, they first meditate and stretch. They are then required to ask Head Instructor’s permission before formally joining the class.
  14. Master Devender Gaur should be addresses as Sa Bom Nim. All Dan members (black Belts) should be addressed as “sir” or “mam”. Also Mr., Mrs., or Miss should be used in reference to any Dan member’s name.
  15. It os proper respect to address a senior member or instructor as “Kyo Sa” or “Sa Bom Nim” if they have tested for and rightfully earned these titles.
  16. Students with questions should first ask their senior to obtain answers. If they need further assistance , they should gain permission prior to approaching the senior instructor. The chain of command in training is important and must be recognized.
  17. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to train and students must show respect and appreciation for the Do Jang. Students should work together and share the responsibility of cleaning the carpet, mirrors and training equipments.
  18. Students should at all times attempt to maintain good discipline in posture. When speaking with a senior or instructor, students should stand at attention, back straight, hands at your sides and feet together. At all times, an attention stance should be held while in class – whether you are standing or sitting. When sitting in class, students must sit with their back straight, legs crossed and hands resting on their knees – NEVER LOUNGE!!
  19. Students must show respect for their Do Bok. Your uniform should be clean and neat at all times. Before and after training, uniforms should be folded properly and neatly. If a student is unsure of the correct method of folding their uniform, they should seek instruction from a senior belt.
  20. A Do Bok should never be worn in public, unless for a special event, permission is given to do so. It is permissible when travelling from classes or demonstrations to wear your Do Bak pants with a sweatshirt or T- shirt. Never walk around Do jang with your Do Bok hanging loose, or your belt untied. This shows extreme lack of respect for yourself and your training area.
  21. Appreciate your opportunity to train, show respect, pay attention and answer properly with spirit at all times!!